Monday Matters – Oct. 4, 2021 Edition

Well today has been an eventful day for much of social media, from what I understand. With Facebook and it’s minions WhatsApp and Instagram losing their place in the roster quite a number of people have been nearly frantic. And more upset that their social sites were down than that billions of them had their …
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Saturday Social – Oct. 2, 2021 Edition

This week I want to update my experience on the newest-to-me platform I started using, and do an update on what’s going on and where I am in my quest for an online social life that replaces Big Social Media in my life. For those who need to catch up, I left Big Social Media …
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The reasons I left FB are several…but this short – less than 5 minutes – video explains things WAY better than I could. And it explains why quitting FB was as hard as quitting smoking. Or quitting sugar. If you still think your use of FB is harmless, or within your control, or about your …
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Monday Musings – Sept. 13, 2021 Edition: Alternatives

It’s no secret that I’ve been working my way away from Big Tech over the last couple of years. I’ve given up Facebook and Instagram and YouTube and Twitter so far. And when I say “given up” I mean I have stopped providing content on those platforms. I also have deleted my accounts on Facebook …
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Huge Epiphany

It just occurred to me that the internet is WAY WAY WAY bigger than FB or Twitter or YouTube. When I left big tech I discovered so many things, so many wonderful people, so very very much that I wouldn’t have ever known otherwise! I feel like I thought my entire country consisted of my …
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Please don’t leave…

…but it you do, I won’t miss you enough to leave my favorite playground… As I posted on my chat (see this blog’s home page) by way of introduction to this post, so many people that claimed they didn’t want me to leave Twitter and FB (especially the latter) haven’t shown that they’ve missed me …
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My First Week Without Facebook

It’s been a week already? Golly. I don’t miss it. I do, however, miss my friends and family. Facebook made it easy to stay in touch. At any rate, I have my self-allotted social media time filled nicely in spite of it. I do spend a lot of time here, on this blog site, and …
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Goodbye to Facebook

Facebook has been a BIG part of my life for well over a decade. But after tomorrow, I will be deleting my account. There have been things going on there that point to a new Facebook, one that I don’t want to use, and in fact find offensive. For months now Facebook has been hiding …
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Social Media: Its Role In My Life, pt. I

I’ve been involved in social media before it was called that, starting in the 80’s on one of those 300 baud cradle modems to find “evidence of life” as I thought of it, then CompuServe, local BBSes, then the IRC. Social media has become something that nobody could have dreamed of 30+ years ago! And …
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