Vlog #2125 – Oct. 1 & 2 – Days In The Life; The River

Saturday day in the life; Sunday took a trip down to our lower lot to record the river for my vlog. Also posted photos.

4 thoughts on “Vlog #2125 – Oct. 1 & 2 – Days In The Life; The River

  1. I certainly DID enjoy this video. Your place is indeed beautiful, and the water was especially ‘tempting’ for Miss Maisie. Both dogs are precious, especially when ‘treats’ are involved (smile). YES, YES, YES to the upcoming keyboard ‘concert’. Darn that SPINE of yours! You DO seem to be getting ‘around’ much better now, though. That’s GREAT! I send my love…

    1. Yes, I did manage to shuffle in baby steps down there and was glad that Pete drove the mower to me at the end, I couldn’t have walked/shuffled back! But I did make it, about 50′ I guess, which is more than I’ve been able to get myself in MONTHS without help! I will be recording more as I can, and am totally enjoying the keyboard now! VERY fun to play!!! I’m glad the dogs are both “treat hounds” otherwise they’d never hear a word I say LOL! Love you too!

  2. Hi Sherry! That was a really nice video~ That washer, wringer is cute. Maisy (I never can remember her spelling) sure is a big help with picking up your ‘mouse’. I have a grabber in my kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and next to my chair! I can’t hardly hold onto things…not much grip. The river is beautiful! I love my air fryer too~ I made Don and I a new pizza. It was a chaffle pizza made on our little 1 waffle maker. Have you made chaffles? Eggs, tomato paste whipped, with spices and mozz cheese and add pepperoni on top before closing the lid. Don ate some the next day reheated in the microwave, and he really loved them. Hugs~

    1. Hi, Cathy! Thanks for watching :). I really enjoy using my little washing machine, and it’s fun doing laundry outside too! Maisie will pick up anything I drop, and I drop a LOT of stuff! Sometimes I can almost see her rolling her eyes LOL! I do have 3 mini-Dash waffle makers, we got them to do chaffles and afterward we wondered what the fuss was all about. We’ll probably never use them again, it seems like there are a lot of people who enjoy chaffles though so we were even surprised by our reactions :). I enjoy making similar things in my muffin-top pan in the convection oven though. (It’s funny you mention the chaffles as I talked about them in today’s vlog that I recorded before you even wrote this!) I hope you’re having a great week my friend! ?

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