Thursday Thoughts – September 7, 2023 Edition

Pete and I want to spend the month of May in the Dayton area next year. Praying it will be able to happen… The USAF museum, he Hamvention, my friend Cathy, who I’ve wanted to spend time with for a long time – very dear sister in Christ. It isn’t too awfully far from Gwen, either, so a couple of get-togethers (SHOPPING!) would be great! And we love exploring new places… Anyway, health, world events, finances, and God’s will will determine whether it happens. But it’s a goal and a plan.

Let’s talk about amateur radio. Pete has been using radios since his USAF days in the 70’s as a radio operator in Elkhorn, NB, Camron Bay in VietNam. and RAF Mildenhall in the UK. I am not particularly interested in using one (and, given my cognition issues, couldn’t get my license anyway); however I love listening to Pete and his nets – in particular, one local net that I have really come to enjoy. The people are fantastic, the discussions always interesting and often fun. So I wake up to listen in every morning, and their 2 weekly evening nets too. Last night was their monthly meeting, and look what I came home with! THANK YOU, PETEY! HAPPY to support such a great group!

I just went ahead and ordered the last thing I need to complete my setup. It isn’t what I wanted – exactly – but has very similar specs (certainly MORE than adequate!), and less than half the price. Not champagne, but I’m on a beer budget! Within a week I should be up and running much more efficiently – and with fewer devices and their associated cords and clutter! So my thought is: do the best that you can with what you’ve got to achieve what you need!

Did you know that I have a fascination with military aircraft? I go through periods where all I read or watch are things about the subject. Today Pete and I saw something about the Valkyrie XB-70, one about which I knew nothing previously. Have already started reading up on it…quite a history, considering how amazing it is, how many were produced (2), and how many are still in existence (1)!

I think I’m going to get some bulbs so we have flowers coming up in the spring. These are just some misc. photos I grabbed of some that I like. Colors of sunrises and sunsets really speak to me…but of course, my favorite color is pinkandyellow! Emma said that they are types of “double daffodils” – wow, who knew??? Aren’t they gorgeous???

THEN AGAIN…if I were to place a fall order right now for fall planting, this would be my selection…and I’d put the Standing Ovation Little Bluestems in front of the ugly propane tanks, the daffodils all along the entry side and ramp, and the Torch Lily (which sounds more like a bush to me!?) near the flagpole.

What do you think?

FINAL THOUGHT: I am tired of eating. Oh, I still LOVE food! And creating and preparing and eating! Just that sometimes I’m in the middle of doing something and my stomach starts sending me that “feed me” message… Doesn’t it see that I am busy???

One thought on “Thursday Thoughts – September 7, 2023 Edition

  1. I had never seen a Valkyrie XB-70 from the front. That was very fascinating after only having seen the side view. Thank you for sharing this, especially today. I will be spending 5 hours in car with one of my pilot family members today, so this will give me something to talk about.

    Did you know that Brian Shul died in May of this year? (The pilot of the SR-71 Blackbird…. And beloved speaker). A friend of mine “coincidentally” spoke with him via phone just weeks before he passed. She called to ask him to wish her son a Happy 12th Birthday. He graciously answered the phone and wished the boy Happy Birthday.

    God is so good and His timing is always perfect.

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