While we were in Saginaw for Pete’s appointment yesterday we stopped at the VoA on Bay Road without anything in particular in mind, just because it is THERE, and so were we! But I found 3 great items, all of which I needed!
First is this huge Gotham frying pan…and it is massive! Biggest one I’ve ever had! We’ll be able to fry a couple of big steaks in this one, with onions! $7.07
Second is these sandals. I have been wearing crocs – or another pair of slip-on sandals made of the same croc material but they don’t accommodate my feet as they swell throughout the day – so I needed some “real” sandals. It’s tough to find size 11 shoes in thrift stores, let alone ones in this like-new condition! $4.99
WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? (Hint: fantastic when God is on the job!) I have needed a new uploader brace for my right leg for several weeks, since the pin broke in mine. Emma did make something else work, but it was time to replace it. They are very expensive but wearing this – plus a different kind on my left leg, plus using my walker – is the only way I can walk more than a few feet. I’ve been putting off spending the money on a new one…then, THIS one was sitting there! I’ve never seen an uploader brace in all of my years of thrifting…and this one is my size, and fits the right leg. Great quality too, more adjustments than my broken one…$9.09!!! Again, WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?
WOW! You scored BIG TIME, and I’m so very happy for you. I don’t have any braces for my legs, but I can’t walk more than a few feet without my walker either. At least we ARE still ‘mobile’! Praise the good Lord above. He cares for us…
Amen! Whatever it takes, right? Praise God above for keeping us on our feet!