Supernal Sunday – Sept. 11, 2022 Edition

I’m going to do this a little differently today. Because I am mentally dealing with changes in my health – and therefore life – I’m going to share a few of my prayers about them, especially those that would apply to most of us during difficult times in our lives, along with the memes we’ve all come to expect here. I hope that you are blessed by this and pray that God uses the post to reach those who may need it.

Father, you know that my life has been in turmoil lately as this body that houses me is bringing pain, stress, and yes – even fear. Sometimes I just don’t know how to deal with it all!

I do try to pray. But I know I’m but a mere speck – or even less – in the world. One of billions. Insignificant. Lost in the vastness of your creation. Why would you bother with me…

Wow…that speaks volumes to me, Father! That I am Yours! I’ve never known you, in your Word, to let anyone slip between the cracks…I don’t want to have even these little doubts come between me and you, I want the relationship we had when I first knew you, when nothing brought me worry…I need help with that!

What can I do? How can I gain assurance that you are here, that you are with me…that I can KNOW???

Thank you Lord…you always give me what I need! This is my daily task, not only through this tough time, but always then: SET my mind…AVOID fear…LOOK – SEEK…TRUST the everlasting Rock!

I am humbled by you, Father…by your care, your presence, your assurances, your promises, your Word!

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