More Social Media Changes

As I continue to dig myself out from under the influence and dependence on Big Tech I’ve been making changes to how I do social media, as you know if you’ve been here for a while.

In short, the first change was to make this blog the hub of my online social life with the intent that my posts will be posted here, or linked here (including the non-big-tech platforms I am now using). This has enabled me to de-Facebook, de-Twitter, and de-Instagram my life so far.

And now comes the Big One: Google. I have already begun de-googling by replacing them with other search engines and translation sites, for one thing. What is mostly left are the two google-owned sites I use the most: YouTube and Voice. And these are on the chopping block for December. In 31 days I will be as google-free as possible while still using the internet.

To this end I have opened a PeerTube account in which I will be sharing my videos and vlogs. I will be linking them all here for the purposes of commenting and maintaining communications with my subscribers whom I love and appreciate very much!

I discovered when I left Facebook that a lot of people and I got disconnected. While I didn’t expect people to flock to my blog ? – I know I’m not that important in the grand scheme of things! – I also knew that I would have to do the work to keep the relationships alive. That was a given to me. And I learned that unless one is easily accessible (ie, in a feed we go to anyway, which makes communication convenient) one tends to be get lost. Easy accessibility seems to be the key for maintaining relationships; if it isn’t easy it doesn’t happen.

The point of all this is that I understand by moving from YouTube to PeerTube there will be many who will stop watching my videos. I get that. On the other hand, I am betraying my own personal values as long as I continue supporting the things with which I so strongly disagree. In an ideal world we could all avail ourselves of any service we choose without conflict in order to maintain connections with our beloved friends and family. This is far from an ideal world, however, and we all must be true to our deepest-held beliefs and ideals, and to the Lord, in the choices we make. It has been my goal to keep relationships alive using means that work for both you AND me.

I will obviously – if you haven’t already guessed from what I’ve written above – continue to do my best to keep connections open with my family and friends who are SO important to me. And I hope that my friends and family will just keep in mind that I’m always just as accessible as always, just remember this simple URL:

So back to PeerTube…for the month of December I will continue to post my videos and vlogs on YouTube AS WELL AS PeerTube (URL to come – watch for it!) and will be linking ALL of my PeerTube videos on this blog as regular posts. As always, they will be listed in the My Life In Clips category (direct URL = will take you to all of, and only, my video posts). Starting next month I will stop posting my videos on YouTube but will continue to ALWAYS provide links to them here on my blog.

(Just a word about PeerTube: it is a growing community of users in the massive fediverse, similar to Mastodon which I’ve written about previously. I am not using the platform just to park my videos; I believe in the concept of federation and want to support it, as well as other users of it.)

As I make these changes to bring my actions in line with my values I will of course share about them here, on my hub ?.

2 thoughts on “More Social Media Changes

  1. I get it Sherry, the big Tech is well gotten a little too big…..I don’t do facebook or tweeter…instagram very little just to see my kids…..but I still do watch youtube…..I have no problem finding you here and will follow your links to the vids…..I certainly believe you have to be true to thy own self….those that want to stay in touch will… know me I might be slow but I am here… guys are always in my prayers and thoughts… is changing for all of us I pray God get us through these times and keep us always in his favor and of course we need to meet him where he is at with our time, and earnest worship and praise…..I can attest that things have really changed on youtube…..I mainly watch religious for lack of a better word videos lately…..I find a lot of the people I use to watch just do sales of products they have been in a sense bought and paid for….or they have left….its still a good place to learn something….but it isn’t what it use to be and they are censoring the heck out of the creators….look forward to still be your friend….love you both….:-)…Debbie

    1. Yes life is definitely changing, if I didn’t know that God was still involved and caring for His children I would be terrified of some of the things that are happening. Time spent in His presence is always time well spent, and profitable for the rest of life too. Letting go of His hand right now would be tragic I think. I watch YouTube videos but only a few people, or on a particular topic, like I’m learning about solar generators right now, but I have really lost my confidence in them since they’ve started censoring. I have a couple of other options for my videos but they will always be watchable in my blog no matter where I have them parked. I appreciate so much that you are part of my life still, there have been many who said they’d follow so we didn’t lose touch but they haven’t. I’m persistent though, and good at searching people out, I don’t let go of friends easily HAHAHAHA! I love you too my friend, and always glad to hear from you too!

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