Turn off the Cloud – Part 2 (fun tidbits!)
This is how to “Dutch Date:” Apparently the Dutch date differently…
1) Be honest. Not just nice, but seriously honest. The Dutch think it is rude to not speak their minds.
2) Ask important questions early in the relationship. If you cannot see yourself living in the same space as a “flat-earthier,” then ask the other if he/she/it is a “flat-earthier.” OK, you probably should wait until the second date to ask these questions, because you’ve invested nothing on a first date and more important issues come up on first dates (see 3, 4, 5 below). Plus, does he smell like a horse barn or is she wearing so many pieces of metal that you’d never get through a security check point? (By the way some people like their partner to smell or look those ways).
3) Casual dating is better than “dress up” events. Go where you can have a conversation and coffee. (Avoid that place that plays the muzak at 132 dB and you have to point to your menu to order.)
4) Forget FAKE. (Go back to #1). Forget using fake compliments or being nice to be nice. Forget pretending to be on a diet when your not. The goal is to find a real match, not a one-night stand.
5) Inexpensive is better. If several restaurants have prime rib but “Joe’s PR Shop” charges $5 more per plate, then don’t go there. The Dutch rate their dates higher when he/she is thrifty, and far lower if he or she doesn’t understand the time-value of money.
6) A word of caution: Don’t do this to find a date … Sign up for that euthanasia class they’re offering down by the dike to pick up someone who’s desperate. Just sayin’. Totally inappropriate!
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For various reasons, several health stats have been “adjusted” in the last few years using questionable criteria. You know that COVID deaths were over-reported, for example. Even people who died of gunshots and car accidents were listed as COVID deaths during the first months of the pandemic. Eventually they “corrected” some of those death certificates.
This is not the ONLY health stat which has seen changes. For a while, (I don’t know if it is being done anymore), those who were grossly obese and died were listed as “complications from obesity” even if the real cause was cancer or a stubbed toe. Just look at the rate of deaths caused by obesity in 1999 and 2016 to see the result. If you believe the charts, obesity as the cause of death ballooned by 44% in just 17 years. I don’t think so. Deaths per capita did not change, the raw number of deaths from all causes rose less than 15%. The criteria for labeling it “death by obesity” changed.
Recently we found that the “criteria” for deaths due to pregnancy have also been changed. This has resulted in a DOUBLING of the “death rate” due to complications from pregnancy. The death rate of pregnant women has not changed at all, merely the “criteria” which labels the death as a result of the pregnancy. However, upon review it was found that Michigan and several other states were over-reporting deaths due to pregnancy. For one, the review found that tests performed on deceased women (tests not conducted on trans women and other people born male, by the way) pronounced 20% more were pregnant when they died than actually were. If accuracy doesn’t count, then the “data” of death by pregnancy doesn’t count either.
Pregnancy, by the way, is a dangerous thing. It can CAUSE heart attacks and strokes. It can CAUSE diabetes. It can make a woman more likely to die from cancer, COVID, and many other health events. Before modern medicine it was the number one cause of death to women under the age of 40. It is still not a “safe” thing to do (Becoming pregnant, that is. Dying is never safe.)
I was this many years old when I learned there was such a thing as “hair sheep.” They shed and you don’t have to shear them. Raised for meat and for their ability to “mow” lawns to keep the grass about 4” while gobbling up weeds including poison ivy.
I have never seen sheep and cows in the same pasture, yet the info I found about hair sheep says that many farmers keep them in the same pasture to control the weeds and fertilize the grass. I always heard that cows and sheep could not be together because the sheep took the grass down to the nub. Maybe some do (??), but hair sheep apparently do not. (See Katahdin sheep below).
One farmer said he far prefers sheep to goats because sheep eat “with four feet on the ground.” So, although they will nibble at low bush greens, they won’t destroy vines or tall shrubs. That farmer said sometimes goats sometimes will even eat the bark off trees, which sheep don’t. Having never owned either I wouldn’t know.
One other little factoid about hair sheep is that some farmers rent them out as “weed and feed” machines for lawns or overgrown fence rows at a tidy sum per hour.
[PLEASE NOTE that Don is always open to discussing the thoughts and opinions he shares here and welcomes comments as shared in the comment section. He doesn’t use other social media platforms and won’t see whatever you’d like to share with him if you post it elsewhere.
ALSO, Don is always open to offer his thoughts on various topics. If you have a specific request, you can let him know in a comment; he reads – and replies to – them all. ~ Sherry]
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