How to stop “Global Warming” LOCALLY (Part One)
Yup! I said “locally.”
To be clear, the term “climate change” is a falsehood, they are really talking (always) about “global warming.” All the data and charts are about WARMING. Oceans don’t rise if there isn’t melting of polar ice. Don’t accept the fake terminology of “change.” BTW, if you claim the “change” is “global cooling” they will fight you to the death.
One does not have to agree with the theory of “global warming” to observe that almost everything those pushing the agenda suggest will fail. Doing “something” is not an efficient way of handling the predicted crisis. In fact, a detailed study which assumed the transformation of all home utilities to electric and all vehicles to electric AND all electricity production to non-fossil fuels discovered that it would still FAIL to meet the climate goals the USA has adopted. One could laugh, except their ideas are expensive and wasteful. Or, one could suggest things which would be more effective AND which cost far less. In the end, I would rather do something which has a chance of working if they are right, but which won’t break the bank if they are wrong.
Obviously, the federal government is doing a horrible job, the international community is doing far worse, and states are ill-equipped to deal with the issues in meaningful ways. That means that effective things can only be done correctly at the local level. You can’t build a box around your county, but you can do better than the “somethings” they suggest if you band together locally. If done correctly it could SAVE every family in your community a thousand dollars a year. Let other idiots go broke doing insignificant “somethings,” but you don’t have to.
The absolute number one way to prevent global warming on a local scale (your county or city) is to limit the population.
If the population of your community keeps growing then your community is part of “the problem.”
Structuring against population growth makes shopping and dining more agreeable as well. You don’t have a McBurger or a SpeedyFill station trying to build on every busy corner. Road systems don’t keep failing to keep up with demand. Utility grids aren’t continually on the edge of failure.
So, HOW can a community limit growth?
#1 NO ADDITIONAL HOUSING UNITS. 500,000 units today, 500,000 in 10 years.
#2 NO ILLEGALS. While the country as a whole is growing by more than 1% annually due to illegal immigration alone, you won’t. That means that local social services will NOT be stretched to the limits. The local school population of students will be uniform, knowable, and you won’t need a teacher on staff who speaks Urdu.
Three ways to do this:
a.) Invite older folk to the neighborhood. Create a senior-friendly community.
b.) Small property tax discounts for those with 2 or fewer children (which you can afford because you won’t need to expand community health programs, fire/rescue, library, streets and utilities, school buildings, policing, to keep up with a growing population.)
c.) Make sure that there are few jobs “only migrant workers would do.”
Another way to reduce local warming is to make it an enjoyable (but practical) walkable/bikable/hikable community. You don’t need a wilderness trail that costs a million dollars per mile and is typically used by 17 people per day. Put the trails and sidewalks where they can be used to get to school and work and shopping. Imagine a community which reduces costs and increases safety for walkers and bikers by re-imagining a city that is safe and efficient for pedestrians as well as automobiles.
Set high insulation requirements for homes. When a house is built or goes up for sale it should meet or exceed the local standards. Set up local home insulation projects that employ volunteers. This allows your community become less dependent on fossil fuels, saves people money, AND makes the local utility grids more stable.
Next, stable utilities. When a community does not allow additions to its water, sewer, gas, or electric lines it can become more stable. They can concentrate on upgrading trouble areas to prevent future issues.
Costa Rica uses 99% renewable energy, but not like the USA does. They use a lot of hydro power. They HAVE a lot of hydro sources. But they also use biomass. (Which is curious since burning biomass is considered a source of CO2, yet they refer to it as “renewable” energy. Under that definition, isn’t coal a biomass?)
My point? Ah! Yes. Local sources of energy are important in order to stabilize the local electric grid. When the state or region is suffering from increased demand, the county or city should have a way to boost local supply.
Most small cities and large towns have a downtown which COULD be vital if there was a way to get customers there. Unfortunately, the parking and traffic flow usually sucks. But a small bus or van could run from a parking lot to the downtown (several stops). [Parking lot A also could have a nice sidewalk to downtown.] Every half hour the local busing authority could have a round-trip route from parking lot A to downtown and back to A. Most bus services are a route that requires long rides to get to your location. (Ours has a route that brings you back to the point of beginning in about 90 minutes if you stay on the bus.) That is not helpful and it is underused as a result.
[PLEASE NOTE that Don is always open to discussing the thoughts and opinions he shares here and welcomes comments as shared in the comment section. He doesn’t use other social media platforms and won’t see whatever you’d like to share with him if you post it elsewhere.
ALSO, Don is always open to offer his thoughts on various topics. If you have a specific request, you can let him know in a comment; he reads – and replies to – them all. ~ Sherry]
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If “global warming” enthusiasts were truly serious … (name a few things they would or wouldn’t be doing right now)
I have a long list I’ve developed over the past 10 years. Yet they still are (or are not) doing these things. It makes me pause.
I haven’t thought about all of this much, or very deeply, but what you have written makes a lot of sense to me!