Wow. You came up with some great ones. See, I never liked Archaelogists and now you know why. You know me well..falling asleep watching a movie or show. Down in the deep South the Bobcat is called Billy Bob Cat
Laughed out loud – though you probably didn’t hear me since you’re watching something on your laptop with your headphones on – when I read about Billy Bob Cat hahahaha!
Most of the bobcats I knew were named Bill actually 😀
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Good one!
Wow. You came up with some great ones. See, I never liked Archaelogists and now you know why. You know me well..falling asleep watching a movie or show. Down in the deep South the Bobcat is called Billy Bob Cat
Laughed out loud – though you probably didn’t hear me since you’re watching something on your laptop with your headphones on – when I read about Billy Bob Cat hahahaha!