I am writing this in great big letters so you won’t see anything that might upset you until you have read this warning. I’ve been thinking, praying, and reading Scriptures about truth, logic, and the craziness in the world we live in – and even in the church – a lot lately, and wondering just WHAT some people are thinking. And I’ve seen plenty of memes around social media that tell me that I’m far from the only one. I am going to share them below. They aren’t humorous. But they are honest. Honest about questions a lot of us have and things that simply don’t make sense anymore. You have been warned, continue at your own risk, and if you get your knickers in a twist at what you read, it might be time to spend some time in prayer and in the Word, too.
As you read, consider the Source of all truth…
That is the truth. If anyone is offended about the truth then they live a ;ie. And any lie they live has to be justified to make it seem right – yet – it is still wrong and a lie.
As Jesus said, “…blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” Mt. 11:6
Oooooooooooooooooh. Please keep shouting the truth from the rooftops sister!
“Flashpoint” tonight was good again. A constitutionalist on the panel dropped some truth bombs at the very end of it.
I should try to make time for this show…I see that they have a Roku channel, that might be the best way for me! (I have TONS of memes in my “Truth” folder – 2nd quantity only to my “Faith” folder.)
Flashpoint is a part of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries