Supernal Sunday – Feb. 19, 2023 Edition: WHAT Is Going ON???

The first I heard of this was on Sunday, Feb. 12, when I got a text from my sister, who lives nearby the area, after she’d heard from someone she knew in Wilmore, KY. It said, in part, “…God’s movement has been ‘”‘going on ever since 11:00 Wed.'”‘ Ppl coming from everywhere, ‘”‘from all over the country to take part.’ One of our Wilmore ppl said ‘”‘Every parking lot in Wilmore is full.'”

I thought this was a wonderful move of God, prayed, told Pete about it, mentioned it in a small Christian group on Matrix, and went on with my life. And, even though I am following and even chatting with other Christians in the Lexington area, it was never mentioned. So I didn’t think about it much more through the week.

Then this morning as I was reading one of the Mastodon instances to which I belong, , one of the members there brought it up. I was startled, as I belong to multiple Christian groups online and hadn’t heard anything all week…so I started looking it up. I was shocked! There is this HUGE move of God going on down there, it has spread to other churches in the area and is starting to spread way beyond, there are thousands of people coming from all over the world…and I hadn’t seen a thing…WOW! Why isn’t every Christian talking about this?!?

I will share with you some of the things my sister (in Nicholasville) has texted to me about it, with her permission. And then I will share some of the many resources I used to learn more about this BIG HUGE THING that is happening and spreading and blessing and bringing so many to Christ – and so many more to renew their commitments to Him! WOW!

from Gwen:
“Our pastor as put out a request for water bottles & snacks for at the auditorium, as well as housing for pilgrims. I’ve driven past one church on N’ville Rd Fri pm and Sat – parking lot full!”
“I went last Sunday and there was not a seat in the house. Balcony and aisles full, altar full. God is sending a message to all of humanity thru Asbury!”
“One of our Wilmorites said a drone was sent over the city and there was an estimated 10k-15k people there at the time…The FM church is on the edge of town, about 1-1.5mi from campus; ppl have been parking there and the church has been shuttling them. Hundreds of ppl stood out in the rain “for hours” bc the chapel was full. This fam went for a walk outside of the seminary and univ campuses and counted 30 out of state lic plates. Wilmore side streets are packed. Ppl are flying in or driving ‘for days’ to get here. That is a lot of effort for ppl who might be coming out of curiosity.”
“God is def at work and the word is that He has begun a work in other campuses around the country. He is graciously allowing ppl the opportunity to come to himself, making himself known to those who aren’t Jesus followers…”

And here are some links that you can follow if, like me, you want to learn more about how God is working so abundantly – and openly – once again in Wilmore, Kentucky!


2 thoughts on “Supernal Sunday – Feb. 19, 2023 Edition: WHAT Is Going ON???

  1. By the way, it is a STUDENT-LED event. There are no professional Christian music groups (at least one such has been told they will not be allowed to perform) and no preaching (except as were already scheduled prior to this). Tucker Carlson was asked not to come to do interviews.
    The administrations at Asbury University and Asbury Seminary, which is a separate institution across the street, are merely supplying support and wisdom. This is not the first time this has occurred in Wilmore, there have been several. (If you want to look this up search for the 1970 Revival). They know to allow God’s Spirit to do what He wants.
    Indeed, if past works of God here are any indication, hundreds of young folk will make life-long decisions to follow a different path, including pastoral ministry and missions. And it won’t stop here. Many churches across our land will be positively affected, seeing numerical growth and greater devotion.

  2. You might be interested in the online prayer group “Intercessors for America”. It is a highly relational, so you can interact with others in the comment section. Daily they put out 4-5 news articles to pray with others about. They have been covering this movement since it’s inception.

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