Oh I agree with that! Then again, when we were growing up with a mother who rearranged the furniture frequently AND had a nice heavy Grinnell Brothers spinet piano from the 30’s – LOL!
Yep, moving furniture was something else. I’ve told Don about a TV I had in our house as a kid. It was on legs, and the screen was sort of round and sort of egg shaped. It was black and white of course, but even then I thought it was cool~
Excellent memories. I thought back then I’d miss those massive TV’s, because they were a nice piece of furniture, but I don’t miss them at all! LOL
Oh I agree with that! Then again, when we were growing up with a mother who rearranged the furniture frequently AND had a nice heavy Grinnell Brothers spinet piano from the 30’s – LOL!
Yep, moving furniture was something else. I’ve told Don about a TV I had in our house as a kid. It was on legs, and the screen was sort of round and sort of egg shaped. It was black and white of course, but even then I thought it was cool~
It would be cool NOW I think! Surely someone would make an aquarium out of it or something…GOOD MEMORIES!